
Discovering our American, Canadian, Mexican & European Ancestors

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Welcome™ is dedicated to the families and pioneers who emigrated and settled in North America and to our European ancestral roots.

The KinshipTree is an enduring history of strong relationships and high spirited personalities. Branches of these ancestors encompass American Presidents to the Kings and Queens of England, France, Germany and other European countries. The lineage of KinshipTree reaches back into our roots in Europe and even into biblical times.

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American Ancestors

  • Presidents
  • Spouses
  • Icons
  • Governors
  • War Heroes
  • Generals
  • Officers
  • Judges
USA Presidents
The presidency of the United States is a position of immense significance. Since its establishment in 1789, 45 men have served as presidents in 46 presidencies. The first president, George Washington, secured a unanimous vote from the Electoral College.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, served during the Civil War and efforts to emancipate enslaved people have cemented his place as one of America’s greatest heroes. Notably, Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms, making him both the 22nd and 24th president. Throughout history, American politics has been shaped by political parties.

USA Presidents

Texas Ancestors

  • Texas Pioneers
  • Texas European Immigrants
  • Texas Revolution Heroes
Texas Pioneers
Texas pioneers were a diverse groups of people seeking land, opportunity, and refuge. From European empresarios like Stephen F. Austin to Tejano families, and formerly enslaved people, they faced harsh challenges. They battled nature, Native Americans, and political turmoil, building communities and forging a unique Texas identity through grit, resilience, and a blend of cultures.
German pioneers played a pivotal role in shaping Texas. Fleeing political unrest and economic hardship, they arrived in the 1800s.
One such pioneering family is Henry & Mary Francisca (Rumpf) Gerdes and their children: Peter Otto Charles, Joseph E, Benjamin Franklin, Casper Lawrence, Mary F, Henry, Maria Elizabeth.

Texas Pioneers

European Ancestors

  • English Royalty
  • Knights Templar
  • European Royalty
  • European Nobility
English Royalty
The British Monarchy, a constitutional form of government, has seen a lineage of kings and queens who have shaped the nation’s history. From Athelstan, the first king of all England, to George V, who renamed the royal house during World War I, these sovereigns have left an indelible mark on Britain’s governance and culture.
Today, the core of the royal family includes King Charles III, Queen Camilla, Prince William, Catherine, Princess Anne, Prince Edward, and their spouses, who dutifully carry out their royal responsibilities.

English Royalty

Christian & Biblical Ancestors

  • Christians Icons
  • Christian Leaders
  • Biblical Icons
  • Biblical Royalty
Christians Icons
Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, was a Jewish teacher and healer who lived in Roman Judea around the turn of the 1st century. His followers, including the Twelve Apostles like Peter, spread his message after his death and resurrection.
Virgin Mary, revered for her role as Jesus' mother, holds immense significance. Her unwavering faith and obedience are seen as exemplary.
Paul, a missionary, journeyed through the Roman Empire, establishing communities and writing influential letters. Mary Magdalene, another follower, is variously depicted in Christian traditions.
Early Christianity emerged from Judaism, with figures like James, Jesus' brother, leading the Jerusalem church. These iconic figures helped lay the foundation for the diverse Christian faith we know today.

Christians Icons

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Our Texas Family Ancestors

Pantaleon Jacobs
Alice Ann (Jacobs) Gerdes
Benjamin Franklin Gerdes Sr
NO Jacobs
Weiss Kasper
Elmer Walter Hilliard Jr
William Daniel Coffey 1923
Maria Nola Pura (Rodriquez) Cantu
Franz Annie (Weber)
Agathe (Sifferlen) Jacob
May (Ward) Rankin
Dorothy Evelyn (Franz) Hilliard
Maurene Lee (Rankin) Gerdes
Maria Francisca (Rumpf) Gerdes
Priscilla (Howard) Coffey
Edna Marie (Weiss) Franz
Mary Alice (Willicoxson) Coffey 1923
Robert Thomas Rankin
Robert Carl Leffke
Leonard Ben Gerdes Sr
Leonard Ben Gerdes Jr
Helena (Meyer) Gerdes
Elmer Walter Hilliard Sr
Kenneth Stalkner Colvin
Raymond Paul Franz
Justina (Voelkel) Jacobs
Edith Jacobs
Dorthy May (Porter) Leffke
Henry Jacob
Baldemar Abel Salinas Cantu Sr
Helen Dove (Skidmore) Colvin
Henry Gerdes
Annie Isabelle Belle (Lenz) Hilliard
Weiss Fredericke (Bluhm)

Our Families

Gerdes Families

Hilliard & Franz Families

Jacob(s) Families

Rankin & Coffey Families

Lenz & Weiss Families

Cantu, Leffke & Colvin Families

KinshipTree Top Surnames

Abbott Adams Alexander Allen Anderson Andrews Arnold Ashley Avant Axtell Bailey Baker Baldwin Ball Bane Barber Barden Barnes Barnett Bartlett Bass Beckwith Belden Bell Bennett Benton Berry Bigelow Billings Bishop Blake Bliss Bluhm Bluntzer Bogardus Boone Booth Boyd Bradford Bradley Bratten Brewer Brewster Bristol Brooks Brown Bryan Bryant Bullard Bumpas Burks Burt Butler Byrd Callaway Calloway Camp Campbell Canedy Canfield Cannon Cantu Carter Cary Cass Casto Caudle Chandler Chapman Cheney Childers Church Clapp Clark Cleveland Coffee Coffey Cogan Cole Collins Cook Cooke Coomer Cooper Copeland Corson Cotton Cox Crabtree Crane Crawford Cunningham Cutbirth Dale Daniel Davis Day De Beauchamp De Berkeley De Ferrers De Neville De Wolf Deane Dewey Dikeman Dodd Douglas Dow Downs Drake Dudley Duncan Dunn Eason Eastland Edwards Elder Elledge Elliott Ellis Engler Evans Ewing Faries Ferguson Fine Fisher Fite Fleming Flippin Ford Foster Fowler Fox France Franz Frasier Freeman Fuller Galland Galloway Gandy Gardner Gerdes Gibson Gilbreath Givan Glass Godfrey Goodwin Graham Graves Gray Green Grey Griffin Griffith Griswold Gudat Hale Hall Hamilton Harms Harper Harris Harrison Harsdorff Hart Hastings Hatch Hayes Hefley Hemmi Henry Hicks Hill Hilliard Hine Hinton Hodges Holmes Hopkins Hotchkiss Howard Howland Howle Hubbard Hudson Hughes Hull Hulse Hunt Ingersoll Ingram Ireland Jackson Jacob Jacobs James Jennings Jett Johnson Johnston Joiner Jones Jordan Joyner Judkins Keith Kelley Kellogg Kendrick Kennedy King King Of England Lambert Lane Lawson Lee Lenz Leonard Lewis Logue Loomis Lott Lyman Lyon Madison Malcom Maloney Marshall Martin Mason Matthews McCurry McGinnis McKISSICK McLain Menn Merrill Meyer Miller Mills Mitchell Montgomery Moore Morgan Morris Morrow Murphy Myers Neal Neathamer Nelson Newman Noah Noble Norman Norton Oden Owen Owens Page Paine Palmer Parke Parker Parks Parsons Partridge Payne Pearce Peck Peek Pelfrey Perkins Perry Peters Phelps Phillips Pierce Plantagenet Porter Potter Powell Power Powers Pratt Preston Price Prince Province Pugh Pullin Purcell Rankin Reed Reynolds Rhode Rhodes Richardson Ricks Roberts Robertson Robinson Rogers Rohrer Rose Ross Rucker Rushing Russell Schmidt Schneider Schroeder Scott Screws Sears Sharp Shaw Sheldon Sherman Simmons Sims Sisson Sloan Slocum Smith Snow Speer Spencer Spink Stafford Stalnaker Stanley Stebbins Stephens Stevens Stewart Stolp Stone Storrs Stover Strange Strong Stroud Taylor Terry Thomas Thompson Thurber Tomlin Totman Townsend Tripp Tucker Turnbow Turner Van Gilder Voelkel von Plettenberg Voss Waldo Walker Wallace Walter Ward Warner Warren Washburn Watson Webb Weber Webster Weeks Weld Wells West Wheeler White Whiteside Wightman Wilcox Wilcoxson Willcoxson Willey Williams Willoughby Wilson Winchell Winslow Wofford Wolcott Wood Woodard Woods Woodward Wright Wunderlich Young


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